Mon-Fri 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Mon-Fri 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
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What does NICEIC stand for?

NICEIC are the initials for the UK’s leading electrical regulatory body and has been established for over 60 years now. It is the acronym of the National Inspection Council for Electrical Installation Contractors.

That is a high and mighty sounding title but what does it actually mean to you?

It is your assurance that an electrician who is registered with the NICEIC:-

  • is qualified to work on your electrical installation
  • is fully insured
  • is assessed at least every year to ensure that he/she is keeping up to date with all the current regulations and standards that are put in place to ensure your safety.

How does it apply to you?

You may well have been advised by your architect or builder if you are planning a refurbishment or an extension to your house for example. They are likely to recommend that you obtain a quotation from an NICEIC registered electrician. Or perhaps you have ordered an oven from Currys and paid for them to deliver and fit it only to find when they arrive that for some reason they decline and say you should get your electrics checked by an NICEIC registered electrician.

If you are needing any electrical work completed you are well advised to use an electrician who is registered with the NICEIC because it is your assurance that the work they do is going to be completed safely and correctly according to the latest electrical regulations.

If the work you want carried out in your property is certifiable then you will have documentation that will satisfy the appropriate building regulations and insurance requirements. This is particularly important for any insurance claim that you may need to make in the future or should you wish to sell your property at any time.

NICEIC register of electricians.

You will be able to check whether an electrician who states that they are registered with the NICEIC is actually a current member of the organisation by checking on the NICEIC website and entering the contractor’s post code and company name. It is important to enter both because many company names can be similar.

Why not try ours now?  and enter our postcode – RM17 6ST

(Please note our registered company name is Proklec Ltd T/A Electrical Solutions)

NICEIC Platinum Promise.

Any work that is carried out by an NICEIC Approved Contractor is covered by the Platinum Promise that means that if works are not safe or compliant with current regulations the NICEIC will send another electrician to redo the work at no cost to yourself.